Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Gift

My Mother's Day Vase
I use it as a candy jar.

Have you ever had your children make you a gift, because it turned out so cute in class, and you wanted one from your little ones?  When my boys were little, there were many times that I put them to work making my gifts, and I am so glad that I did.  I love the homemade memories of seasons past.  This is a vase that my boys made me for Mother's Day five years ago when they were in 2nd and 4th grade.

I still have my students make this vase for their mom.  They love painting the vase, but they love filling it with flowers even more.  The sweet messages on the flowers are just the best!

I use paint from the classroom, but I warn moms that the paint will wash off.  You could also use acrylic paint.

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