Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

A Very Happy Mother’s Day to Moms, especially my Mom…

At these special times, I can’t help but to reflect.  I owe a great big thanks to my mom who has taught me so much about being a wife, mother, and kindergarten teacher.  She and my sister started kindergarten together many, many years ago.  I grew up helping her set up her classroom, watching her work her magic with children, and learning through her stories.  During her career she found time to raise 5 children, work full time, write, speak and lead conferences nationally.  I often swore to myself that I would never become a teacher (my dad taught, too), but in my heart of hearts I knew that I would. 

Like so many moms, she believed in me when no one else did.  Many of you know that I am terrified to speak in front of groups.  After I gave a rather disastrous health presentation to a crowd of about 50 in college, the professor advised me to consider another profession.  I was devastated, but did consider the possibility that he was right.  My mom was the first person I called.  I still remember that conversation almost 25 years later, and the confidence that she had in me, when I had none in myself.  I have to admit this story goes through my head every year when I stand before a room full of parents on Parent Night.  After 20 years of teaching, I still have those two voices in my head on that night, but I still listen to hers.  Thanks, Mom and Happy Mother’s Day!

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