Monday, December 10, 2012

Taking the Plunge

I've never been one to walk up to a pool and jump right in.  I have to stand there a minute, stick a toenail in, then take another 5 minutes to decide if I truly want to get in the pool.  In those moments I can think of a million reasons why I shouldn't take the plunge -- the number one reason being that I can't swim!    

Here I am standing at the deep end ready to jump in without my noodle.  I do have two floaties to help me -- twenty plus years of teaching young children and a passion for new ideas.  But, we all know that floaties aren't intended as life preservers.  I wouldn't dare step up to the edge without the encouragement of family and friends .  Sink or swim, I know that they are there to catch me.  I also know that my life depends on the lifeguard.  I felt led to begin this process of writing a blog after reflecting on a sermon last Sunday.  I am fully aware that I can't swim.  I've read the Caution: Swim at Your Own Risk sign and am taking the plunge anyway.  I'll let you know how the water feels. 

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