Monday, January 20, 2014

Counting Collections

Big smiles, bright eyes, oohs and aahs, tons of math talk, everyone engaged... 
Wouldn't you love that reaction everyday in your math lesson?  The counting collections are back and boy do we have a conglomeration!  We have had the pure pleasure of investigating our treasures for the first time and the monumental task of beginning to sort our bounty. 

The process took much longer than I had planned.  We began by looking at our brainstorm list and labeling empty Ziploc bags with items from the list.  We spaced the labeled bags out on the floor with an example of what would go in the bag. 

Math partners then worked together to sort their bags.  They talked about how their collections were the same or different.  They placed like items together and counted how many items were in each category.  After the partners were satisfied with their groupings, they began to add their sorted groups to the labeled class bags.

Of course, not everything fit neatly into a category.  We have a very large pile of "I'm not quite sure what to do with this."  However, we will have to tackle that pile another day.

Wow!  I found this in my Draft folder from October!  Where has the time gone?  I obviously need to give an update of all that we are currently doing with our Counting Collections!

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