Monday, August 5, 2013

Sight Word Books

I use these mini booklets at the beginning of the year as a literacy center.  Extend learning by having students highlight sight words and color words, label pictures, or add sentences to blank pages.  Each book introduces a new sight word and text pattern.  They are a great addition to book boxes, but are also a great resource for independent reading practice at home. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sweet Dreams?

Yes, I officially have two weeks left of vacation, but my mind has already begun to drift back to the endless mental "To Do Lists" that I neatly tucked away in my school brain back in June.  At the end of each summer, I never realize that I am thinking about school, but my dreams tell a different story.  My sweet dreams become teacher nightmares.  In the past, I have had dreams about chaos in my classroom -- especially children not coming out from under tables or someone running across the tops of tables.  Countless dreams have involved waking up at 9:37 on a school morning, forgetting to go to school, or losing track of 22 kids.  I have already had the dream where I take the day off, forget to call in a sub, and then spend the rest of the dream convincing myself that nobody will ever notice that I'm not there.  All of the dreams have the same effect.  I wake up with a jolt and immediately ask myself, "Did this really happen?...COULD this really happen?"  In my sleepy state, I usually decide that I need to stay awake making a plan of action, just in case.  I then decide to add the intricate details to my mental "To Do List."  The same list that includes an entry that reminds me to ENJOY EVERY MINUTE OF THE SUMMER.