Monday, April 29, 2013

Rhyme Time

My kids love making word family charts.  It is fun to see their excitement at being able to read and write more words than they thought possible.  For so long, we would make the charts, I would hang them up in the room, and that would be about it.  Yes, they would use the charts in the literacy centers, Read (and Write) Around the Room, but I knew that we could use them for more.  I wanted something to supplement the charts that would provide segmenting and blending practice, have space available for picture clues, and give ongoing skills practice.  The Rhyme Time booklet was just the answer. 
CVC Rhyme Time Booklet Cover Click here to find out more.

Rhyme Time for Common Word Families.
Click here to find out more.

I begin in the late fall by introducing one CVC word family per week.  In the beginning, we complete the class anchor chart together (bought at a teacher supply store) and then record those words in Rhyme Time together.  Within a couple of weeks, we still do the class anchor chart together, but the kids are ready to work independently in the booklet.  It then becomes a weekly literacy center and class favorite. 

I love hearing kids segment the onset/rime.  I love seeing their excitement at reading so many words.   I love hearing them sing the list to Dr Jean's song "Rime Time."  (Tune of "Addams Family")  I love the 15 weeks of ongoing practice.  I love that the kids know exactly what to do for 15 weeks.  I love that it is a center with materials ready to go for 15 weeks.  I love that when we finish the CVC Rhyme Time, I have another Rhyme Time booklet for common word families for the end of the year.   I Love, Love, Love these booklets! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Parts of a Plant

picture shown
6X9 -- light blue construction
2X6 -- green construction
2X6 -- brown construction
Class set of flower die cut in various colors or construction paper for students to make their own flower

Larger size
9X12 -- light blue construction
3X9 -- brown construction
3X9 -- green construction
Class set of flower die cut in various colors or construction paper for students to make their own flower

1. Cut stem, leaves from green.  Glue to flower
2. Glue entire flower to light blue.  Leave a small space at the bottom.
3. Fold a tiny bit at the top of the brown.
4. Place glue along the folded lip.
5. Match the brown to the bottom of the light blue.
6. Lift the flap and draw roots.
7. Draw rain and sun
8. Label flower, stem, leaves, roots, sun, water, soil

Challenge students to either write about the parts or needs of a plant on the back.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spring is in the Air

Pastel paper and flower die cut add a springy touch to this seasonal web.  Place in a literacy writing center, or use in a whole group lesson.  Challenge students to write sentences about spring on the back.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This is a great visual to show how much water covers the earth compared to land.  Students label bodies of water.  On the land portion students can also add landforms, resources, people, and animals.  I prep the paper plates by folding them into fourths, so the kids have a guide to draw the lines. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day, we brainstormed ideas of how to take care of our earth on a class web.  Then, the kids made one of their own.  I love their ideas!